Chapter 15. Using Hotel Facilities
Hotel의 시설은 식당, 상정, bar, business center, 여행사 (travel agency), 체력단련실(fitness
center)등이 있다. 호텔 안의 시설은 영업시간이 정해져 있고 사용료는 방으로 charge 할 수 있
Key Expressions 15
Write down your room number, please.
Do you need a receipt?
What time does the fitness center open?
It's free (of charge).
We're a party of three.
Would you come this way, please?
Would you like separate checks each?
Let me have a full house, please.
Would you care for something to drink?
That'll do.
May I take your order, please?
Fresh salad comes with your dish.
Are you finished, sir?
Could you suggest some interesting places to visit around here?
You could try A, B and C, to name a few.
상황설명 15.1
Business center에서는 fax를 보내거나, 서류를 copy할 수 있다.
Dialogue 15.1
Lee : Excuse me. Can I make copies here?
Clerk : Yes, you can. It's 50 cents a page.
Lee : O.K. Could I also send a fax to New York?
Clerk : Of course. We charge you 1 dollar per page.
Lee : Can I charge it to my room?
Clerk : Certainly. Write down your room number and sign here, please.
Lee : O.K.
Clerk : That's it. Do you need a receipt?
Lee : No, I don't
Tips 15.1
1) make copies
복사하다는 표현. make 자리에 run을 써도 좋다. 또는 단순히 copy, xerox로 써도 된다.
2) send a fax fax는 facsimile 대신 통용되는 말이다. 그냥 동사 fax로 쓰든지 아니면 have / get
it faxed로 표현 한다.
3) Write down the room number.
방 번호를 쓰다는 표현. 애주을 반드시 쓴다.
4) 영수증이 필요한가를 물을 때 Do you need / Would you like a receipt?로 쓴다.
상황설명 15.2
Lee : Excuse me. What time does the fitness center open?
Clerk : It's open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.
Lee : How much do you charge for using it?
Clerk : Oh, It's free for our hotel guests.
Lee ;How about the swimming pool?
Clerk : It's also free of charge.
Tips 15.2
1) It's free (of charge).
공짜라는 의미. free는 ~이 없다는 의미로 자주 쓰인다. caffeine-free coffee=decaffeinated coffee,
sugar-free gum=sugarless gum, smoke-free flight=non-smoking flight, lead-free gas=unleaded
2) hotel guests
영국식 표현은 hotel residents 또는 단순히 residents라 한다.
상황설명 15.3
Hotel의 아침식사는 주로 buffet style이 많으나, 별도의 주문을 받는 경우도 있다. Buffer식인 경
우에도 계란은 주문에 의해 원하는 대로 요리해 준다. 식당입구에 'Please wait to be seated' (앉
을 자리로 안내할 때까지 기다려 주시오.)라는 팻말이 있는 경우에는 waiter가 와서 안내해 줄 때
까지 기다린다.
Dialogue 15.3
Waitress : Good morning. Table for two?
Lee : No, we are a party of three.
Waitress : Smoking or non?
Lee : smoking, please.
Waitress : O.K. Table for three, smoking. Would you come this way, please? (Waitress leads
the way) Would you like this table?
Lee : Fine.
Waitress : Would you like to order a breakfast or have the buffet?
Lee : We'll have the buffet, please.
Waitress : O.K. Please, help yourselves. Would you like one check all together, or separate
checks each?
Lee : Separate checks, please.
Tips 15.3
1) a party of three
일행이 3명이라는 표현. We are three of us.로 써도 좋다.
2) one check / separate check
모든 계산을 한 장의 계산서로 하는 것과 각자 따로따로 계산서를 만드는 것.
상황설명 15.4
유럽, 특히 영국 호텔에서의 아침식사시 대화는 미국에서의 것과는 양상이 좀 다르다. Coffee나
tea와 함께 반드시 toast가 따라나오고 buffet style의 아침식사라도 주방에서 별도로 준비해 내오
는 것들 (계란, sausages, beans, mushrooms)은 따로 주문을 받는다. 그리고 대개는 숙박요금에
아침식사가 포함되어 있으므로 별도의 계산이 필요 없으므로 방 번호만 확인하면 된다.
Dialogue 15.4
Waiter : Good morning, sir. Table for tow?
Lee : Ues, please.
Waiter May I have your room numbers, please?
Lee : 1237 (for me) and 1238 (for my colleague).
Waiter : Smoking or non-smoking?
Lee : Non-smoking, please.
Waiter : O.K. Come this way, please. How about this table?
Lee : That'll be fine.
Waiter : coffee or Tea?
Lee &Kim : Coffee, please.
Waiter White or black?
Lee & Kim : White, please.
Waiter : Would you like brown or white toast?
Lee : White toast, please.
Kim : Brown for me, please.
Waiter : Would you like to order a cooked breakfast from the kitchen?
Lee : Yes, I'll have two fried eggs, sunny-side up, and sausages and mushrooms, please.
Kim : Let me have a full house, please.
Waiter : All right, sir. You could have juices, cereals and fruits and so on from the bar.
please help yourselves.
Lee&Kim : Thanks.
Tips 15.4
1) colleague
friend와 같은 의미.
2) White coffee.
coffee cream이나 milk를 넣은 coffee.
3) brown / white toast.
toast를 구운 정도를 얘기하는 것이 아니고 toast 빵의 재료가 갈색(통밀)이냐 흰색(정제한 밀)이
냐의 구분이다.
4) fried egg, sunny-side up.
흰자위만 익혀 노른자위가 위로 보이게끔 한 계란 후라이. 노른자위를 흰자위로 덮어 익힌 것은
over-easy라 한다.
5) a full house 또는 a full breakfast. 영국에서 쓰는 표현으로 아침 정식이라는 의미로 해석할
수 있다. 대개 계란, sausage, bacon 감자, 콩, 버섯이 나온다.
우리나라 supermarket의 식품부에 가면 시식을 해보고 사는 음식이 많이 있다. 그러나 미국에는
이런 문화가 없다. 포도나 딸기 혹은 cherry등을 살 때, 무심코 한두 개 먹어보다가 운이 억세게
나쁘면 도둑(?)으로 몰릴 수도 있으니 조심해야 한다. He's caught stealing. 이 표현은 '도둑질하
다 잡혔다'는 뜻인데, 원래의 full sentence는 He's caught in the act of stealing. 이지만, 구어체
에서는 in the act of를 생략하고 쓴다. 이런 오해를 받지 않으려면 반드시 점원한테 몇 개 먹여
봐도 되느냐고를 미리 물어봐야 한다. 이때의 표현은 이렇게 하면 된다. Can / May I try some?
상황설명 15.5
Hotel의 식당에서 점심이나 저녁식사를 하는 경우 대개는 buffet style이 아니므로 일반 식당과
같은 대화가 오갈 것이다. 미리 예약을 해두면 더 좋으나 예약을 안 해도 무방한 경우가 많다.
Main course 시작 전에 마실 것을 주문할 때의 대화를 생각해 보자.
Dialogue 15.5
Waiter : Good evening, gentlemen. Table for two? (He leads the way) Would you like this
table ?
Lee : Fine, we'll take that.
Waiter : Here are your menus. Would you care for something to drink before dinner?
Lee : Yes, I'll have a beer. What kind of beer do you have?
Waiter : We have Michelob, Bud, Bud Light, Heineken and Miller Light.
Lee : Let me have a Bud Light, please.
Kim : Do you have decaf?
Waiter : Yes, we have a Sanka, sir.
Kim : That'll do.
Waiter : All right, sir. I'll be back with your drinks. Please, take your time ordering.
Tips 15.5
1) care for ~
~을 원하다. like와 같은 의미.
2) decaf
decaffeinated coffee를 말한다. Sanka는 카페인 없는 coffee의 상품명 중의 하나. decaf를 속된 표
현으로 'unleaded'(휘발유에서 납성분이 빠진 것처럼 커피에서 카페인이 빠졌다는 의미)라고도 한
3) That'll do.
그것으로 되었다는 듯. That'll work.이나 That'll be O.K. 또는 That'll be fine의 뜻이다.
상황설명 15.6
본 음식을 주문할 때의 상황을 생각해 보자. Starter 와 main dish, salad 등에 대해 주문을 하는
Dialogue 15.6
Waiter : May I take your order, please?
Lee : O.K. I'll have a shrimp cocktail as a starter and a grilled dover sole as the main dish,
Waiter : Off the bones ?
Lee : I'm sorry?
Waiter Without bones?
Lee : Oh, yes.
Kim What's your soup of the day?
Waiter : It's onion (soup).
Kim : O.K. Let me have an onion soup and a sirloin steak, pleaase.
Waiter : O.K. How would you like it cooked, sir?
Kim Medium rare, please.
Waiter : Fresh salad comes with your dish. We have vinegar, thousand island and french
Lee&Kim : Thousand island, please.
Waiter : All right, sir. Would you gentlemen care for wine with your dinner?
Lee&Kim : We'll have bottle of house wine, please.
Waiter : Excellent! Thank you, gentlemen.
Tips 15.6
1) May I take your order, please?
주문을 받을까요? 하는 표현. 이것 대신 Are you ready to order?로도 쓴다. 주문할 음식을 결정
하지 못하였을 경우에는 다음과 같이 대답하면 된다. I think we need a few more minutes to
decide. 또는 줄여서 A few more minutes, please. 혹은 A couple of minutes more, please. 던지
One moment, please.로 하면 된다.
2) starter
음식의 제일 첫번째 코스. Appetizer(식욕을 돋구는 음식이 나 술)와 혼용해서 쓰기도 하나,
aperitif와 같이 식사 전에 마시는 술은 starter라 부르지 않고 반드시 appetizer로 써야 옳다.
3) off the bones
(생선의) 뼈를 발라낸. without bones의 듯이다. 반대의 표현은 on the bones 또는 Whole fish로
4) I'm sorrry?
Beg your pardon?과 같은 의미로 되물을 때 쓰는 표현이다.
5) soup of the day
불어 표현인 soup 여 jour를 영어로 번역한 것이다. 식당에서 그날 그날 미리 준비해 두는 soup.
6) How would you like it cooked?
(고기를) 어느 정도 익힐까요? rare(아주 덜 익은), medium(약간 익은), well-done(아주 잘 익은)
에다 medium의 수식어를 붙여서 익은 정도를 다양하게 표현할 수 있다.
7) salad comes with your dish
음식에 샐러드가 따라 나온다.
상황설명 15.7
식사 중간의 대화. 식사가 시작되고 나서 얼마 후에 waiter가 와서 손님한테 음식이 마음에 드는
지 묻는 것이 보통이다.
Dialogue 15.7
Waiter : Is everything all right, sir?
Lee : Oh, yes. (I'm) Just fine, thanks.
Kim : Fantastic!
Waiter : Thank you, gentlemen.
Lee : Excuse me. Can I have another beer, please? And how about you, sir?
Kim : Can I have a refill, please?
Waiter : All right, sir.
Tips 15.7
1) Is everything all right?
식사 중에 모든 것이 괜찮느냐고 물을 때 흔히 쓰는 표현. 대답은 위에서처럼 Just fine. 또는
(I'm) O.K. 정도로 한다. 이 때, Thanks라는 감사의 말을 빼지 않는 것이 좋다.
2) Fantastic!
아주 멋있다는 최상급의 찬사. Super!로도 쓴다. 같은 찬사라도 (여성의) 아름다움에 대한 것은
Gorgeous!로 표현한다.
3) Can I have a refill?
마시던 음료를 추가할 때 쓰는 표현.
상황설명 15.8
후식을 시킬 대의 대화.
Dialogue 15.8
Waiter : Are you finished, sir? Would you gentlemen care for some sweets? We ahve
chocolate mousse, fresh fruits, caramel trifles and cheese cake.
Lee : I'll have fresh fruits, please.
Waiter : With cream (on it)?
Lee : No. Do you have any ice cream?
Waiter : Yes, sir. We have vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.
Lee : Let me have two scoops of vanilla on the fruits, please.
Waiter : All right. How about you, sir?
Kim : I'll pass. I'm full.
Waiter Would you like coffee, cappucino or expresso then?
Kim : Could I have another decaf, please?
Waiter : Sure.
Tips 15.8
1) Are you finished?
식사가 끝났느냐는 질문. Are you done?으로 할 수도 있다. 대답은 Yes, I am. 또는 Not yet.이
면 된다.
2) (some) sweets
후식은 대개 단 것이므로 desserts 대신 sweets로도 많이 표현한다.
3) I'll pass.
나는 그냥 통과시키겠다, 즉 아무것도 안 먹겠다는 의미.
상황설명 15.9
시내 관광안내나 호텔 밖의 장소(식당이나 상점 등)에 대해 물어볼 경우는 front de나에 가면 된
다. 큰 호텔에서는 별도로 여행사(travel agency)가 창구(booth)를 가지고 있는 경우도 있다.
Dialogue 15.9
Lee : Hi! Could you suggest some interesting places to visit sround here?
Agent : Well, you might try the Aquarium. It's really interesting.
Lee : How can I get to the Aquarium?
Agent You can go by taxi, by bus or by subway.
Lee : How often do the buses run? Do you know?
Agent : Every fifteen minutes.
Lee : How long does it take to the Aquarium?
Agent : About 30 to 35 minutes.
Lee : Do you have a map of the city? Could you show how to get to the Aquarium on this
map, please?
Agent : Sure. I think it's best to take the subway. Take the subway line number 1 from
here to Market Street. Then, change to line number 3 going toward Fifth Avenue. Get off at
Aquarium. It's the third stop.
Lee : Thank you very much.
Tips 15.9
1) aquarium
2) going toward 5th Avenue
5 번가로 향하는. toward 대신 for를 써도 좋다.
3) get off at Aquarium.
Aquarium station의 의미. station이 생략되어도 알 수 있는 경우이다.
상황설명 15.10
하루에 시내 한 곳 이상을 관광하고자 할 때는 대중교통을 이용해서 직접 찾아다니는 것보다는
여행사의 관광버스(tour bus)를 이용하는 것이 편할 때가 많다.
Dialogue 15.10
Lee : Could you recommend some interesting places to visit nearby?
Agent : Well, you could try the Aquarium, Botanical Garden, Museum of Contemporary Arts,
to name a few. You know, this city has a lot to see.
Lee : How could I get to those places ?
Agent : One way is to take the subway. If you buy a one-day pass, you like for the whole
Lee : And?
Agent : The easier way is to take a tour bus. It takes about 4 hours to tour around the city
by a tour bus. It makes stops at every points of interest in the city. And it costs you only
30 dollars.
Lee : When does the bus leave?
Agent : 8 O'clock in the morning, daily.
Tip 15.10
1) botanical garden
2) museum of contemporary arts
현대 미술관.
3) 새 name a few 몇 가지만 거명한다면. 몇 개만 예를 들면의 의미이다. name이 동사로 쓰이는
예로 Name it. I have it all.에서와 같이 (뭐든지) 이름을 내라. 난 그것을 다 가지고 있다는 뜻으
로, 이 문장에서 Name it은 Whatever you name it으로 풀어 쓸수 있다.
4) one-day pass
1일 승차권.
5) point of interest
흥미있는 곳
Drill 15
1) Can I ( ) ?
make copies
run copies
2) Could I ( ) to New York ?
send a fax
get it faxed
fax it
3) ( ) the fitness center ?
What time do you open
When do you open
What are the opening hours for
How late do you open
4) ( ) way, please (?)
Would you come this
Let me show you the
Come this
5) Would you like ( ) ?
one check all together
separate checks each
6) I'd like ( ), please.
two eggs, sunny side up
it overeasy
two fried eggs, overeasy
scrambled eggs / my eggs scrambled
two poached eggs
a hard / soft boiled egg
7) ( ) order(s)?
May I take your
Are you ready to
8) ( ) a ( ) as a ( ) .
I'll have shrimp cocktail starter
Let me have tosssed salad main dish
I'll try fillet mignon
grilled lobster
9) Could you ( ) ( ) around here ?
suggest points of interest
recommend interesting places to visit
what to see
nice restaurants
good hotels
10) You can ( ) .
go by taxi or by bus
take a taxi or the subway
11) ( ) is to take the subway.
One way
An easier way
A simpler and cheaper way
Review 15
Waiter : Good evening, gentleman. Table for two?
Lee : Yes.
Waiter : Do you have a reservation?
Lee : No.
Waiter : That's O.K. Come this way, please. How do you like this table?
Lee : Well, do you have a table by the window?
Waiter : Sorry, sir. Tables by the window are all reserved.
Lee : I see, then we'll take this.
Waiter : Good. Here are your menus. Would you like something to drink to start?
Lee : Yes, I'll have a beer. What kind of beer do you have?
Waiter : We have Budweiser, Heineken, Asahi, Miller Light.
Lee : I'll have a Bud, please.
Kim : I'll have the same thing.
Waiter : All right, sir. I'll be taking orders in 5 minutes. Take your time. (Moments later)
Are you ready to order?
Lee : Yes, I'll have sea-food pasta as a starter, and grilled lobster as the main dish, please.
Kim : What's your soup du jour?
Waiter : It's chicken and broccolli soup.
Kim : O.K. Let me have that, please. And I'll have a fillet mignon, medium rare, please. your
dinner? Here's wine list.
Lee : We don't know much about wines. What would you recommend?
Waiter : Would you like red or white?
Lee : Red, please.
Waiter : Something dry or sweet?
Lee : Medium dry, please.
Waiter : Well, how about a Bordeux? It's really nice.
Lee : Fine, we'll have that.
Waiter : Thank you, gentlemen. Your dinners will be ready shortly.
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