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Study 4/영어회화

18 Again 2020 (18 어게인)

by Frais Study 2020. 9. 23.

18 Again (2020)

Tells the story of a husband on the verge of divorce who finds himself back in his body when he was at the prime of his life 18 years ago. Her husband, Hong Dae Young, ends up changing his name to Go Woo Young when he becomes 18 years old [by Korean reckoning] again. Meanwhile, his wife Jung Da Jung joins the workforce as an anchorwoman later on in life after raising their 18-year-old twins.

Based on the American film “17 Again.”




Watch 18 Again (2020) Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch 18 Again (2020) Episode 1 online at K-vid


